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Sustainable Resource Based Sanitation and Organic Waste Utilisation (Sano) in South Africa : Joint German-South African Young Scientists Workshop Potchefstroom, South Africa, March 2013

Mitwirkende(r): Reihen: Schriftenreihe des Bauhaus-Instituts für Zukunftsweisende Infrastruktursysteme ; 26Berlin Rhombos-Verl. 2014Beschreibung: 124 SISBN:
  • 9783944101521
Schlagwörter: Andere Klassifikation:
  • [Ak] Allgemeines - Kongress
Medientyp Aktuelle Bibliothek Signatur Status Fälligkeitsdatum Barcode
[S] Band einer Schriftenreihe DWA-Bibliothek Ak-58084-WEIMA (S) (Regal durchstöbern(Öffnet sich unterhalb)) Präsenzbestand 58084

Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung. - Using the example of the South African city of Potchefstroom mixed South African-German teams with participants from academia and practice conceptualized innovative circuit and disposal systems. A special focus was put on the understanding of urban resources as raw material and energy source. An exciting process, where men and women, with different social backgrounds and experiences, northern and southern hemisphere, engineers and sociologists, lawyers and economists as well as different skin colors have been united.

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